Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sunday afternoon in Bushlot

An afternoon of visiting...well, that's one of my favorite things to do! And here's one of the reasons why. ...It's all about the bridges. Check out this one. Doesn't it just beckon you to cross over it to find out what lies beyond?
From 2009-08-10BushlotDay
Every house has a bridge in front of it. These bridges have led us into the lives of many choice Guyanese families. And I have just loved meeting them on their own ground!

Elder Bullock had an audit to do for a couple of hours so I found two young companions to go visiting with me. I knew they would know the way to everyone's house and that would be a big help for me...besides I wanted their company.

Aren't they cute? Meet Dolly on the left along with Sasha on the right!
From SemGraduation09

These are Dolly's parents. When I first arrived to pick her up, they were sitting under their house in the shade cleaning a bunch of little fish for their dinner. They probably caught them in one of the trenches.
From 2009-08-10BushlotDay

You can barely see that Nanda is cleaning out the guts while Jimmy is scraping off the scales. Doesn't that just make a cute couple thing to do?
From 2009-08-10BushlotDay

This is Jillian, Dolly's scrumptious little sister. Doesn't her whole face just light up when she smiles?
From 2009-08-10BushlotDay

Our first visit was to Sister Washington. Notice the cord on her iron. I mean, notice that there is no cord! She says she cut it off and just heats up the iron on her stove.
From 2009-08-10BushlotDay

Dolly and Sasha chose the rest of those we visited and of course our visits were to some of the other youth in their branch.
From 2009-08-10BushlotDay

At each visit, we added another young person to our backseat to accompany us for the next families we visited. By the time we arrived at the Narine's, we had added Alvin and Priya.

The Narine family has 4 daughters and their dad's name is Tall Man. You can guess why!

Here are all the young people who ended up with us at the Narine house... the 4 who came with us plus 4 members of the Narine family . One daughter and the dad are missing from the photo. The mom is on the right wearing the blue skirt.
From 2009-08-10BushlotDay

Just before we arrived at the Narine's house, Elder Bullock called to say he was finished with his audit and asked if I'd come get him from the church. You'll see him in some of the next photos.

The Narines have this old fashioned tractor that I just loved. I had to climb inside and try it out. One of the Narine girls quickly found me a hat so I'd look like a real farmer as I posed for pictures.
From 2009-08-10BushlotDay

Here's the front view. Isn't it classic? They tell me it still works; it just needs a new huge back tire and when they get some money, they'll buy one and start using it once again.
From 2009-08-10BushlotDay

Suddenly, I noticed something hanging on the line that I knew would make a great background for a photo with Elder Bullock. I said to him, "Will you move over here just a bit and let me snap your photo?" And guess what, he did. Check it out!
From 2009-08-10BushlotDay

As we turned to leave, the Narines walked us to our car. I paused so I could take a photo of their house.
From 2009-08-10BushlotDay

We walked on a little farther and Cinthia asked, "Oh, please take my photo hanging by my knees from the tree." You can see that Alvin just had to get into the photo, too.
From 2009-08-10BushlotDay

By this time, we'd been gone for hours and unfortunately, I had to make a little rest stop right about here!
From 2009-08-10BushlotDay

Well, that's all for now!

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