Thursday, August 6, 2009

So Many School Shirts

Yes, we purchased a lot of school shirts!

The families of two elders that served here, Elder Lang and Elder Dayton, sent us some $$$ to buy school supplies for the children.

We decided that school shirts for the new school year that starts in September would be a good idea. We took our tape measure to church, measured the shoulder span of each school child and noted what the color and size each child needed. Every school has a different color. (Notice the kitchen of my new apt. in the background.)
From VickeyBibiLeaveForMissions

Notice the colors in this photo. They also have burgundy, navy, and blue/white checked. That's Geeta from Rose Hall in the background. She helped me give out the ones in Rose Hall.

We decided it would be best to hand the shirts out at church so they would be motivated to be there. We've been back to each branch at least two Sundays to hand them out.

We put a cute little note in each pocket so the children would know who the shirts were from.
From VickeyBibiLeaveForMissions

Here they are in Rosignol primary just after we have handed some of them their shirts. The children in Rosignol each were given 2 shirts.
From VicBibiLeave

We were able to buy school shirts for the school children of three branches: Rosignol, New Amsterdam, and Rose Hall, which included the teenagers that are still attending school.

The children can not go to school if their family doesn't have money to buy them a uniform. And that isn't so uncommon here in Guyana.

I can't remember just how many shirts we bought but it must have been around 200 shirts.


Sharon said...

That is so great. What a perfect gift to give the children. Keep up the great job!

Dave and Tauna said...

Thanks for inspiring and helping so many. You are the best!