Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Playing in the big city

What's it like in the big city...Georgetown?

They have real restaurants, supermarkets with American foods, a Zoo and the Botannical Gardens.

Here's what went on when we spent a day there with Elder and Sister White.

"Take off your shoes, climb up that tree and sit by those giggly little girls".

That's what I told myself when I spotted them lounging in this big fun tree.

Then, I had to have a photo by the Kissing Bridge with my favorite boyfriend.

Sister White said her favorite attraction at the park was the Manatees. Watch them gobble that grass from her hand.

You can only see their heads. They are as big as seals but have snouts more like huge pigs!
She made me feed them, too, and touch their rough skin that felt like an alligator.

The kids are usually my instant friends. They just seem to crave attention and I love to give it.

Oh, how I love them, love them, love them!

But, I didn't love this guy! He wanders the streets of Georgetown and is very creepy. I gave him a dollar so I could pose with him. He was repulsive.

They have real food and smoothies in Georgetown!

And haircuts. Sister Larsen lives in Georgetown and is a beautician. She has saved my life trimming up what little hair I have.

I finally have no bald spots and it is all the same length.

Does my hair look wavy? It never used to be before I got so old!


Little Star said...

Seriously, i can't say this enough... You look Beautiful!!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!!

You're boy friend looks pretty hansom too, but you just glow!!!!

Ken Hoglund said...

Those manatees look awesome!

Jan and Larry Myers said...

The photo at the Kissing Bridge is great! Was that done by Glamour Shots of Guyana? ;-)