Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Main St. New Amsterdam

What's a ginup? They are green, have a peeling sort of like a lime, and they are a great treat for the Guyanese. For me, they are better to look at than to eat. Here's how cute they are...
From Drop Box

I was waiting on Main Street for my friend to meet me to do a little school shirt shopping. I was entertained by the big produce trucks that pulled into town and set themselves up to sell to the public. Notice the bananas which have been carefully stacked onto the small table to sell. We buy pineapples from trucks like these. Pineapples are more than delicious in Guyana and they are in season almost year round.

From Drop Box

This truck came speeding through town and I barely caught it with my camera. It parked just down the block and began to sell more produce.
From 2009-8MainSt

This little stand on the left side of this photo is a shoemaker stand. There are probably at least 5 stands around town like this where you can have your shoes repaired. They have no power so they must do all their work by hand. I had my shoes repaired once and they turned out perfect.
From 2009-8MainSt

Here's the happy guy from whom we buy our bananas. He parks his van on the street and counts the money he makes selling bananas. He is there until he's sold all his bananas. I buy 40 at a time and I never have any left over for banana bread. The elders just gobble them down. They must never buy fruit.
From 2009-08Elders

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