Sunday, May 17, 2009

Temple Interviews

Unfortunately, there is not a temple in Guyana...yet!

There are many members in the 6 branches of the Canje District of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Guyana, South America. Up until one month ago, there were only 3 couples who had been able to make the long and expensive trip to the temple. These 3 couples all flew to the Dominican Republic, where one of the closest temples is located, to have their temple ordinances.

There are other members in these branches that are worthy and waiting for their opportunity to go to the temple. We are trying to help them make that dream come true.

To a faithful member of the church, going to the temple is more than important. They believe it is crucial to their salvation.

The first step for a member wanting to go to the temple is to have 2 interviews, one with their branch president and the other with their mission president. At the end of the interview, if they are found qualified and worthy, they get a small signed recommend which is their ticket to enter one of the Lord's temples.

Below you will see photos of some of our very excited saints who came for their 2nd interview with the mission president, President Reid Robison.

From 2009-02-11TempleGoersEtc

Sister Nanda was in heaven holding her first time temple recommend. Can you see it in her facial expression?

From 2009-02-11TempleGoersEtc

When I found Sister Bibi just after she finished her interview, she was sobbing happy tears and mopping her face with a rag. She said to me, "I never thought I would ever be able to go to temple." She has been a member of the church almost 10 years.

From 2009-02-11TempleGoersEtc

President Samaroo is awaiting his turn to be interviewed. I think he was a little nervous. He shouldn't have been. He is a good man! He has been a member more than one year and is one of the 6 branch presidents.

From 2009-02-11TempleGoersEtc

Here are 5 of the 12 that were interviewed. They are all pretty proud to be holding their first temple recommends. They are all our special friends.

From 2009-02-11TempleGoersEtc

Tiny Sister Geeta and Sister Nanda were baptized the same day about 4 years ago. They are both such faithful members of the church.

We fed them all the chili leftovers from our zone conference. None of them had ever eaten American chili before.

Somehow I missed getting Jade and Travis and a few of the others who got their recommends in my photos. I'm disappointed.

From 2009-02-11TempleGoersEtc

Mission accomplished! Meet President Mintiesingh Tenisingh with his wife, Silvie, and 14 year old daughter, Rachel. Pictured here you see them just arriving home from their trip to the temple in the Dominican Republic.

We were able to pick them up from the airport and hear of their fabulous trip to the temple to be sealed as an eternal family. They were all so excited that they all talked at once. They just bubbled over with excitement as they shared with us the experiences they had during their week at the temple.

We hope to help make this experience happen for the rest of our group who are longing to attend the temple, also!

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