She leaves for the MTC in Provo, Utah, in 5 weeks. We're crossing our fingers she is granted a visa to enter the US. She has been assigned to the Dominican Republic. Do you think she is excited? Check out her smiles and you decide for yourself.
Roopa is on the left. She is posed with Shereva, who just returned from her mission to the same country a week before. Roopa and Shereva have just met in this photo. Elder Bullock and I are going shopping with these two darling girls for the things Roopa needs for her mission. Shereva is from Georgetown and has offered to go along to show us the way.
Roopa's mom is also along and is pretty happy about Roopa's big shopping day...and upcoming mission!
We are in the crazy downtown area of Georgetown, the biggest town in Guyana. We're all hoping Shereva can show us where to go...and protect us from the pickpocketers.
Elder Bullock has found a stand full of bargains. Suppose there's a try on room handy?
There are open-air stands all over the streets with a big variety of items. They are fun to pass by but I think we'll do most of our shopping inside the stores.
We see all kinds of stuff to buy. Notice there's no refrigeration in this butcher shop and it's always hot in Guyana.
Need a pair of shoes? Which shoe do you want? Did you say you wanted 2 the same? Sorry, miss, that just isn't possible!
The lady seated on the left is eating out of a coconut. She is oblivious that I posed my 3 ladies next to her so I could snap a photo of her as she ate.
Do you think you could find something you want from this conglomeration?
We had a fun time shopping in Georgetown. We ate a real hamburger at JR's burgers and now we're back in front of Roopa's house in Rosignol. Her stepfather, Krishna, is walking towards her to help her carry her things back to their house.
We had a lot of fun filling these black plasticbags with missionary shoes, blouses, and a few odds and ends. The suitcases were just what we were looking for...we hope!
Here's our goodbye photo for the day. All of us are very happy that Roopa is going on a mission!
Are they very short or am I super tall? Hmmm...
We are excited to see Roopa's photos and look forward to when she will be in the CCM/MTC here in Santo Domingo. Please email us when she is here so we can stop by and say Hello to her.
That is so great that Roopa got her mission call. How exciting. Wish her good luck for us!
Hmmm I don't remember you being that tall... But it all just may be relative??? And I have a bad memory... LOL!
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