Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rolling Roti

What could possibly cause Elder Hyde to look like a vampire?

Could it be that the we, the 4 elders and me, decided to make enough roti for our whole zone of 12 elders?

We have had our roti lessons from Sisters Karen and Geeta. Now it was time for us to go solo!

Elder Lauritzen and I mixed it and kneaded it, while Elder Hyde added the water.

Then Elders Hamilton and Hyde rolled it out.

Elder Lauritzen took over the frying and oiling (pronounced eye-ling here).

Elder Bishop did the clapping of the burning hot roti. Actually, he cheated by putting it in the plastic container that you see with the green lid fastened on tight and shaking it really hard. It was a little easier on the hands.

Meanwhile, Elders Hamilton and Hyde continued rolling and rolling and rolling out the 36 roti. Each roti had to be rolled out twice! Is that a little sweat dripping off Elder Hyde's face on to the roti? No, I think that's a lot of sweat!

Now you are beginning to see why Elder Hyde began to look...and act...like a vampire!

Everyone was all smiles when we were finally able to line up with the last rotis needing to be put on the tawas to fry.

Elder Hamilton has his eye on those 36 pieces of hot roti.

You can imagine who is inside waiting for food...and lots of it when you check this next photo!

This scruffy assortment of dirty shoes were all lined up just outside our front door. It is the custom here to remove your shoes before entering homes.

Some of the elders just ditch their shoelaces because it's so much faster putting them on and off as they visit. They all look a little cleaner than usual. It hasn't rained in a while and so there's no mud on the roads.

Along with the roti, they ate 5 freshly slaughtered chickens with barbecue sauce, an enormous pan of mashed potatoes, wonderful Guyanese fresh pineapple circles, bread pudding and pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting.

Who would have ever thought the Elders would go crazy over bread pudding!

And here they are, all 12 of them, ready to inhale the food. Who is the comic in the background?

Through open doorway, that you see, we just carried our kitchentable so they could eat outside in the area where we park our car.

A little after dinner entertainment from long and lanky Elder Bryan as he tries to do a trick climbing over a long stick.

Scroll down to see what happened to the cook after all the festivities of this big meal...

Looks like she crashed and some wise guy elder caught her on her very own camera!


Dave and Tauna said...

Thank you Elder and Sister Bullock for feeding and entertaining the Elders. We appreciate you.

Westover's said...

I would love to get a recipe for the Roti?

Jason and Diana said...

that roti looks awesome! i love the tired cook! you definitely earn the rest!

Emily said...

I love all these pictures and wonderful stories!
You are the coolest.